If you've been taking photos or filming for quite some time and would like to somehow turn it into a business but don't know where to start, you've come to the right place! Several years ago, I was just like you! In the beginning I had a very basic equipment setup and I was just shooting for "fun" but I wanted to somehow get paid for it. After doing a bit of research and some a & b testing as well as a bit of luck, I've worked with a variety of brands in different industries such as tourism, hospitality, automobile, clothing and so much more! You can check out some of the recent companies I've worked with by clicking HERE.
I hope that by the end of this guide, you're able to start working with brands and make content creation as a revenue stream for yourself. It's not easy and it takes a lot of hard work but it is the most rewarding feeling if you pull through it. If you really are passionate about content creation, read up, take notes, and put the tips below to work. Let's jump right into it.
The first thing you need to do is buy equipment (if you already don't own a camera). It doesn't need to be the most expensive equipment in the market, but you need to be able to produce decent looking photos and videos. If budget is tight, have a look at second hand cameras. You can get some decently priced beginner DSLR's or mirrorless cameras for several hundred dollars. Start with this just so you have something to produce content with. You then need to have a laptop and an editing software where you can edit your clips/photos. Don't get too carried away in the beginning with gear purchasing, expensive gear usually doesn't equate to better content. Great content is about the person behind the lens and how he or she gets creative with shots.
What I mean by this is to do things for free in the beginning! You need to build your content and hone your skills! Whether someone or a company is willing to pay you $0, $0.99 or $20 for a set of photos, you need to say yes! You need to be able to survive this phase of your photography/videography career if you want to turn this into a business after. Meaning, this can't be your primary source of income. When you're more established and have more experience later down the road, you can be more selective with the type of projects you take on and charge at your desired rate.
The beauty of social media is that it's free. There's a lot of platforms out there and I suggest signing up for all of them. Instagram would be your go to for images and Vimeo/YouTube to share your videos just to name a few. Having a website would be even much better and would make you more credible as you continue to grow your business. In fact, I highly recommend creating a website as it will be the main hub to showcase your portfolio, your work, and your clients as well as your testimonials from your clients.

You need to set up a way to get paid online. PayPal is one of the biggest players in this field. It's well established and well known by the many. Set up an account and learn how to use it as well as know the terms. I typically use this or I send my banking information along with the invoice to my clients so they can send it straight to my bank account.
One of the most effective ways, at least for me is by joining online groups. This could be Facebook or LinkedIn groups and so forth. Giving value online (or on these online platforms) is one of the most efficient and proven ways to get people to see what you're all about. By showing you're an expert in your field, you'll create awareness in ways you never thought possible. Give more than what you receive. This should be one of your mottos.
In todays generation, it is so easy to find a business and reach out to that particular establishment. A lot of the businesses nowadays have their contact information on their social media pages or have a 'chat' feature on their Facebook page, making the reach that much more convenient. Once you've built enough content and a portfolio you're happy with, you can't just rely on getting the word out, you need to hunt for businesses that needs your services. I'll create a separate post in regards to how you find potential clients online. Nonetheless, this is probably going to be the core of your business. Business development is very important especially in the very beginning.

Now that you have read these tips, I hope you're able to put them to work to get you going. I'd love to hear from you guys so comment down below and let me know if you have any questions or feedback. To see my beginners guide on how you can become a digital nomad, click HERE!